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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Two Great Wordpress Plugins

The 1st one is:

All in One Adsense and YPN Plugin

It will "automatically insert google adsense ads or yahoo publisher network (YPN) ads in to your posts on the fly." It is better than other plugins such as adsense deluxe because you don't have to manually insert tags in each post, this wordpress plugin will insert adsense code into all existing posts and new posts automatically. It's like turn on and forget.

The 2nd one is:

Hot Linked Image Cacher Plugin

This plugin will "automatically search for Hot Linked Images within your posts and automatically cache the images locally and update the img links within your posts." For people who often link images from other sites, this is a God-send. It'll scan your posts and cache all hot linked images locally and update the img links within your posts automatically. You could also specify exactly which post to cache by entering a post id too. Great!


Anonymous said...

I wonder if you can access that site from a mobile phone browser like the one on the krave? I became a huge fan of the Krave ever since I started working with Motorola. I especially like the 2 MP camera and touch screen display. Full specs are available online at It's definitely worth checking out

Aaricevans said...

I have seen a extremely informative blog. Truly I like this blog. This blog gives us especially excellent knowledge about these two great wordpress plugins.
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